April 27, 2022

Russia is leaking a report on a war game run by a Polish think tank with a retired General. Not very interesting in terms of impact, but interesting as an operation in broad terms.

What I really love about this research is that they used the ads they were served as a means to measure what information was collected. This allowed them to demonstrate that Amazon Echo was collecting voice data and sharing it with data brokers. How cool is that?

Wonderfully clear explanation of a well known issue.

The intelligence war has been far more impactful than cyber. It’s not fair.

Some forever-root “feature” in windows.

Good news though:

“The NSA is going beyond information-sharing to defend US companies against growing threats from Russia and China”

This sounds like maybe a big deal.

New Thinkst coverage of infosec talks.

Russian disinformation activity by diplomats.

Vuln dev talk.

Now this is really cool work! Identifying micro scratches on gorilla glass to determine the PIN code

Here is a dose of cool old illustrations. 13th century Arabic illustrations from Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing which is such an awesome title.

Great explanation of when AI is a good solution.

Not sure what the point of this signaling is.

Mandiant report linking the SolarWinds hack to APT29.

Esports are chewing kids up and spitting them out. What strikes me as relevant is how they spend so much time immersed in gaming, and then all their off time with their coworkers. It.. er… kinda reminds me of infosec, tbh.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. NFTs. Crypto. Scam.


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