August 15, 2022

Another analysis on Russian military operations as they are, and why they aren’t what the West expected. This war on the rocks article covers the air war, in particular “air campaigns” and why Russia uses air power like artillery: because they’ve never used it, or had it used against them, in any other way.

A lot of the analysis on the Ukraine war has had to deal with relearning to see things from the enemies perspective. This, btw, is one lessons of Defense of Duffer’s Drift: look at your position from the enemy’s point of view. This sort of red team activity is given in the context of knowing if your secret position is actually concealed, but I’ve always liked the basic principle.



Autocorrect and I had a bit of a fight yesterday and I came in a very respectable second place. The correct spelling is Eugene Spafford, not Stafford.




lol, lmao

It’s even funnier though:




Cool stuff from @sickcodes

Covered in WIRED too


And it screws up OSINT reconnaissance!












How the world record in HATERIS was achieved. Lots of cleverness and compute




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