Deviant Organisational Psychology

How cool is that?

I recently learned about organisational psychology, and from there about deviant organisational behavior. It is quite cool. As I was reading it I immediately saw the links to a Perun video on corruption in the Russian army.

The Russian army has suffered significantly from corruption. The corruption they face is something covered by organizational psychology as organization deviance. Organization deviance includes “counterproductive work behavior” (CWB), outlined in this white paper. Of the four listed causes for CWB, the Russian army has at least three of them.

  1. Job stressors: difficulties with the job, the boss, etc

  2. Organisational fairness: the perceived fairness by the worker.

  3. Social relationships: workers follow the ethical example set by their leaders

  4. Employee predictors: people who respond with anger or anxiety are more susceptible to CWB

It is a short read and goes very well with this Perun video on corruption in the Russian army.

The part I find most interesting is that it is entirely possible to solve corruption in the army by changing the culture. The problem of course is that the leaders will have to stop being corrupt first.


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