May 12, 2022

Crypto. Fraud. Scam.


The description of how modern war is conducted is very enlightening. Using imagery to locate likely operational sites. Alerting forward units to find indicators of activity. Using drones to locate and verify activity. And finishing with massive artillery fires.


Read this. You’re welcome.


Sounds like a great idea! More intrusion into private-like spaces. Lets just end all pretence of computers not monitoring everything all the time everywhere. Bring on the dystopia and lets get this over with. The suspense is killing me.


Crypto. Scam. Fraud. NFTs before NFTs.


On the theme of great comedy from the gold era of Internet email thread comedy. “Don’t even reply”


How to make your own internet with hookers and blackjack, when all the IT experts flee the country? Please send answers to:


c/o Kremlin

Moscow, Russia.


Russian internal propaganda messaging



or to participate.