November 22, 2022


A new blogpost is up! Let's take a look at kmem_guard_t in iOS 16 / macOS 13. Hope you'll find it interesting :)



The hardest problem in computer science is to make a social network without nazis


Infosec Black Friday deals for tools & software:

#blackfriday #cybermonday


Don't confuse privacy with secrecy. We know what happens in the bathroom, but you still close the door. That's because you want privacy, not secrecy. Everyone has something to hide, privacy is something that makes you human.


“If you visit my website, I am granted the honour and the privilege of executing arbitrary Javascript on your computer.”

— @[email protected]

CVE-2022-41924 - RCE in Tailscale, DNS Rebinding, and You





"Nearly three-quarters of the 5G network operators surveyed said they’ve experienced up to six security breaches or cyberattacks in the past year. These breaches resulted in network downtime, customer data leaks, regulatory liabilities, fraud and monetary theft.

Nearly two-thirds of the network operators surveyed said security staff spend more than 30% of their time on manual security tasks. More than 4 in 10 respondents said at least 40% of security teams’ time is spent on vulnerability and threat management tasks that could be automated."


NSA's Cybersecurity Speaker series talks about building in trust from the start: “Security on day one” Check out Dr. Josiah Dykstra speaking with Natalie Pittore, Enduring Security Framework chief, and Martin Goldberg, NSA’s lead for 5G standards.


“Looking at old #bugs is a great way to quickly find new ones.

Sometimes the patch only fixes a symptom rather than the bug.

Sometimes there can be other variants of a bug which the patch missed.

And sometimes the patch just introduces new bugs.”

— Ian Beer


Somebody used Twitter Blue to get a blue tick, then posted a deepfake video of the former FTX CEO for a cryptocurrency scam.






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