November 27, 2022

New Perun!




What’s the chance this is about attacking ransomware? (Pretty much zero, but still… nice idea. hint hint ASD)


I can't distinguish 'effective altruism' from Terry Pratchett's "Yen Buddhism":

"The Yen Buddhists are the richest religious sect in the universe. They hold that the accumulation of money is a great evil and burden to the soul. They therefore, regardless of personal hazard, see it as their unpleasant duty to acquire as much as possible in order to reduce the risk to innocent people."


Hilarious protip for dealing with request by email from unethical boss to do something unethical: forward it to security as a suspected phishing attempt.


Seems BH put up the videos from USA 2022. Here's mine and @monoxgas's talk on Kerberos


The recent hack of FarsNews agency (pro gov and IRGC funded) and their leaked internal documents is the tip of iceberg, showing how a dictatorship and authoritarian regime runs their media and propaganda machine. These are great materials and case-studies for the right eye. Language barrier unfortunately keeps people away from in-depth analysis of many of these leaks.






Passchendaele for the 21st century.

I recommend having a look at Otto Dix’s triptych “der Krieg.”


Adversarial Policies Beat Professional-Level Go AIs

…Notably, the adversary does not win by learning to play Go better than KataGo -- in fact, the adversary is easily beaten by human amateurs. Instead, the adversary wins by tricking KataGo into ending the game prematurely at a point that is favorable to the adversary. Our results demonstrate that even professional-level AI systems may harbor surprising failure modes.


or to participate.